So this week I went to a reading conference for the first time in Houston and I know that may not sound like much to most, but for me it meant a whole lot as this was my first time to leave my baby boy since he was born. I was torn on the decision to go or not, but with so much happening in my line of career I know that I have to put every foot forward to show how much my career means to me. I was so homesick and missed my sweet boy and husband so much during this time. I was so happy to see the bond that my husband and son have during the time I was away. They are so close and even though mommy was away my husband showered him with love every minute. I also have amazing in-laws that were there to take care of my baby boy while Paul was at work. They love Alejandro so much and he in turn loves them equally or even more and he is truly blessed to be so loved. I also learned a lot as a mom during this time as how hard it may be to be away from my baby he would be in good hands.
I found out that I needed this trip to learn more about Motherhood and my career, as during one of my workshops I had a moment of clarity. I have been out of college for almost five years now and during this time I have married the love of my life, and had my beautiful Alejandro, and I have felt very full of happiness and joy. During this time though I have wondered also if I should go back to school and get a master's in something to help my family continue to grow and during one workshop a presenter hit excellent points in bilingual education and why students make the errors they make due to her background in Speech pathology she knew so much and saw things in a different light. I was like I had an idea that this might be what I wanted to do and then all of a sudden I was sure. I am still not sure when I will start this journey, but I know that I will and not hold back on it as I want to continue to build on my career for my family and our future as a family. Though the time I was away was very hard on me as a mother, it helped me grow stronger and find a path I would like to take to help my family grow.
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