Wednesday, November 23, 2011
So many things to be thankful for.
I am also very thankful for all the things Alejandro knows good and bad. He speaks so much and has developed a new found love for Elmo. He goes around the house in his pj's singing "La, La, La, La Elmo's worllld" it is so cute and puts a smile on my face. He has also developed a love for Adale by mommy listening to her and knows some of the lyrics in the songs. He also knows his alphabet in Spanish and the sounds that go with the letters. He is a very bossy baby telling mommy and daddy exactly what he wants like "sienta te hay", "Dame lo" and "No" he keeping mommy on her toes and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Like I said so much to be thankful for this year and I am blessed beyond words. My family is my world and I just wanted to share what is new in our house.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
As summer comes to an end
This summer I spent so much time with my sweet boy getting to watch him grow and explore so many new things. We worked on reading many books and getting a few favorite ones memorized, finding out what TV shows he liked best, finding out how even at a year and half he has such an imagination that is beyond belief, and learning how to cook his favorite foods that are daddy and abuelita's recipes. The time I had at home with my baby boy just brought joy to my heart. I can't believe that it is coming to an end already, but I have a lot to look forward to this school year. I will strive to work hard and teach my students many new things. I also look forward to watching my sweet boy continue to grow this school year and will continue to teach him new things too. The summer comes to an end for me, but all that I learned and experienced this summer I take with me to make this new school year a positive one.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The little things matter most!
- the wave good bye this morning from my sweet boy to go off and learn something new and seeing him so happy with his abuelitos
- A great workshop teaching me something new
- visit with an old friend
- lunch just with my husband like we use to have when we were first dating
- getting ready for a new year nice and early and excited about it
- coming home after a full day away and hearing thos magical words that make my heart melt "MOMMY"
- laying in bed with my husband and baby playing
- giving one of Alejandro's favorite books to him and watching him lay down all alone in our room and read
- eating dinner as a family
- One of the best moments of the day watching a sweet boy hold a little cup filled with ice to snack on and walking ever so slowly to make sure he doesn't drop one single bit of it. Watching his sweet face fill so acomlished was amazing and a moment I will never forget.
Little things in life are the ones that fill my heart with happiness and in the busy moments it feels great to reflect on a busy day and be thankful for all that I have and am blessed with.
Friday, July 1, 2011
First time away from home.
I found out that I needed this trip to learn more about Motherhood and my career, as during one of my workshops I had a moment of clarity. I have been out of college for almost five years now and during this time I have married the love of my life, and had my beautiful Alejandro, and I have felt very full of happiness and joy. During this time though I have wondered also if I should go back to school and get a master's in something to help my family continue to grow and during one workshop a presenter hit excellent points in bilingual education and why students make the errors they make due to her background in Speech pathology she knew so much and saw things in a different light. I was like I had an idea that this might be what I wanted to do and then all of a sudden I was sure. I am still not sure when I will start this journey, but I know that I will and not hold back on it as I want to continue to build on my career for my family and our future as a family. Though the time I was away was very hard on me as a mother, it helped me grow stronger and find a path I would like to take to help my family grow.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day
Friday, April 8, 2011
13 almost 14 months old
This year this sweet boy has shown me how to be unselfish with things, shown me that you can work full time and still have energy to play games, that mommy can survive on a few hours of sleep even though she loves sleeping in late. Alejandro has also shown me how to share the bed, because as much as I want him to sleep in his own bed mommy got in the habit of you falling asleep in the bed with us and now you only sleep a few hours alone and the rest of the night in between mommy and daddy taking up most of the bed. I love waking up to the sound of "MaM, Mama" in the early morning with a big juicy kiss even if it means I almost fell off the bed in the middle of the night. Here are a few things you my sweet boy have learned how to do in the last couple of weeks and like to do:
- Most important you finally found your confidence and are not just walking, but running around the house
- You say Grandpa in a deep raspy voice
- You love to come home and see your daddy and say "Hi Dad"
- You have a front facing car seat now and like to play with your cars and say Hi
- You love tortillas and will ask for it by saying "tilla"
- You sign more when you want something, and please, thank you, and bath
- You say "Amama" for your pillow, because you are very bilingual and mommy and daddy are very proud of that
- You like novelas and know many of them by their songs.
Alejandro you are a beautiful blessing in our lives and have taught us many things, you are exploring and learning many new things adn I am blessed to be your mommy and can't wait to see what this next year of your life has to hold for us.