Friday, April 8, 2011

13 almost 14 months old

My sweet Alejandro has grown so much in the past months. I look back on his first year of life and feel tremendously blessed. I don't know how God has given me such a beautiful blessing of being this sweet boys mommy.

This year this sweet boy has shown me how to be unselfish with things, shown me that you can work full time and still have energy to play games, that mommy can survive on a few hours of sleep even though she loves sleeping in late. Alejandro has also shown me how to share the bed, because as much as I want him to sleep in his own bed mommy got in the habit of you falling asleep in the bed with us and now you only sleep a few hours alone and the rest of the night in between mommy and daddy taking up most of the bed. I love waking up to the sound of "MaM, Mama" in the early morning with a big juicy kiss even if it means I almost fell off the bed in the middle of the night. Here are a few things you my sweet boy have learned how to do in the last couple of weeks and like to do:

  1. Most important you finally found your confidence and are not just walking, but running around the house

  2. You say Grandpa in a deep raspy voice

  3. You love to come home and see your daddy and say "Hi Dad"

  4. You have a front facing car seat now and like to play with your cars and say Hi

  5. You love tortillas and will ask for it by saying "tilla"

  6. You sign more when you want something, and please, thank you, and bath

  7. You say "Amama" for your pillow, because you are very bilingual and mommy and daddy are very proud of that

  8. You like novelas and know many of them by their songs.

Alejandro you are a beautiful blessing in our lives and have taught us many things, you are exploring and learning many new things adn I am blessed to be your mommy and can't wait to see what this next year of your life has to hold for us.