Sunday, October 24, 2010

Eight Months

Alejandro Javier is now 8 months old I can not believe how quickly time is passing. Alejandro you are doing many things that are amazing mommy and daddy.

  • You are starting to crawl more.

  • Your top teeth have come in and you bite very hard

  • You like to sleep between mommy and daddy more than in your crib

  • You wake mommy up by slapping her or a wet kiss.

  • You love music, singing in church and dancing too when in your walker.

  • You still crinkle your nose at us and make funny faces

  • You are a dare devil trying to get into everything

  • You make bubbles with your mouth

  • Your favorite toys are your monkeys

  • You eat so much now and we only know of the can foods we send grandma, but we know she is starting you on many new fun things.

  • You are such a happy baby!!!

  • Your laugh lights up my life even your fake laugh that your cousion taught you.

I can not wait to see how much you enjoy each holiday as they quickly approach. You are my joy and my life Alejandro Javier, Daddy and I are truly blessed.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

7 months old

I can not believe that my baby boy is now seven months old about to be eight in a few short weeks. He is so big now and is my pride and joy. I love every minute with him and with this year of school being one of my hardest ones I am so blessed to come home to him every day, as he is my shining star and lights up my life when I feel so drained from a rough day at work. Alejandro is staying with Grandma and Grandpa during the day while Mommy and Daddy are at work and he is loving every minute of it. It is so neat to see him light up when he sees them and how much he really does love them. Abuelita has introuduced many foods to Alejandro and he loves the orange foods such as sweet potatos, and carrots which are his favorites. Abuelita has also introduced him to sopa which he absolutely loves so much that when I came home one day he ignored me and continued to eat. He just looked at me like hi mom I am busy come back later please, it was funny and so cute.
Alejandro got his first hair cut on the day he turned seven months. He was in need of a serious haircut. . He did really good getting the hair cut too. I was very lucky to have my friend Elena come to the house anc cut his hair. Now he looks like a big boy and not mommy's little baby. Alejandro also got his halloween costume and he is going to be a monkey. I am so excited and he really does like his costume. Some things Alejandro is doing now:
  • He sits up and plays on the floor with his toys
  • he eats a lot more
  • can crawl backward
  • can crawl foward when he really wants something
  • blows bubbles with his mouth
  • makes funny faces
  • flips over when on my lap and slides down so he is on the floor and then looks up laughing at me
  • can pull himself up in his crib and stand there
  • loves to play with his monkey named MOJO

I can't list everything, but I wanted to write a few things my sweet boy is doing now. I still can't believe how fast everything is moving, but wouldn't trade one minute of time I get to spend with my baby boy and my loving husband.